cURL Python


Toman uses OAuth 2.0 to authorize API requests. We will provide you with the required Username, Password, Client ID, and Client Secret required for the process of token acquirement.

Each endpoint in our project has none, one, or more scope requirements, which can be found in the endpoint documentation. Note that you have to had included the required scopes in your authentication process in order to be allowed to use them.

The authentication process URL for our staging and productions servers are:

Environment Auth URL

The acquired token should be included among request headers with the prefix Bearer:

Authorization: Bearer 5OGgq1FQS7jPITItICRwlDYZv5P91A

Get Access Token

To acquire your access token, you need to send your username, password, client_id, and client_secret to the auth endpoint.

Request Data Example (Without Basic Authentication)

Sample Code (Without Basic Authentication)

import requests

auth_url = ""
username = "MY_USERNAME"
password = "MY_PASSWORD"
client_id = "MY_CLIENT_ID"
client_secret = "MY_CLIENT_SECRET"

response = requests.request(
        "client_id": client_id,
        "client_secret": client_secret,
        "username": username,
        "password": password,
        "grant_type": "password",
        "scope": "settlement.wallet.retrieve"
token = response.json()["access_token"]
refresh_token = response.json()["refresh_token"]

authorization_header = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"

endpoint_response = requests.request(


curl -X POST -d "username=$USERNAME" \
             -d "password=$PASSWORD" \
             -d "client_id=$CLIENT_ID" \
             -d "client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET" \
             -d "grant_type=password" \
             -d "scope=settlement.wallet.retrieve" \

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $API_ENDPOINT
POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Request Data Example (Using Basic Authentication)

Sample Code (Using Basic Authentication)

import requests

auth_url = ""
username = "MY_USERNAME"
password = "MY_PASSWORD"
client_id = "MY_CLIENT_ID"
client_secret = "MY_CLIENT_SECRET"

response = requests.request(
        "username": username,
        "password": password,
        "grant_type": "password",
        "scope": "settlement.wallet.retrieve"
    # this is how requests handles the basic http authentication
    auth=(client_id, client_secret)
token = response.json()["access_token"]
refresh_token = response.json()["refresh_token"]

authorization_header = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"

endpoint_response = requests.request(


curl -u $CLIENT_ID:$CLIENT_SECRET -X POST -d "username=$USERNAME" \
                                          -d "password=$PASSWORD" \
                                          -d "grant_type=password" \
                                          -d "scope=settlement.wallet.retrieve" \

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $API_ENDPOINT
POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Response Data Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"scope":"settlement.single.submit settlement.single.verify",

Refresh Token

Since every access token has an expiration date (see expires_in), you need to acquire a new access token after it expires. The Oauth2 standard, is to use refresh tokens.

To refresh your access token, you need to send your refresh_token, client_id, and client_secret to the auth endpoint with grant_type=refresh_token. The expiration time of the refresh token itself is one week. please notice in the response body of the refresh-token process, a new refresh token will be generated, so we suggest replacing the newly generated refresh token with the old one, for future refresh requests.

Sample Code

response = requests.request(
        "grant_type": "refresh_token",
        "refresh_token": refresh_token,
        "client_id": client_id,
        "client_secret": client_secret,
access_token = response.json()["access_token"]
new_refresh_token = response.json()["refresh_token"]
curl -X POST -d "refresh_token=$REFRESH_TOKEN"\
             -d "client_id=$CLIENT_ID" \
             -d "client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET" \
             -d "grant_type=refresh_token" \

Request Data Example

POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Response Data Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"scope":"settlement.single.submit settlement.single.verify",

Error Handling

In this section we will list some of the errors that you may encounter while trying to obtian or refresh your tokens.


{"error": "invalid_scope"}



    "invalid_grant", "error_description"







Each account has specific permissions, as outlined below:

Permission Description
has view View account details
has view balance View account balance
has view statement View account statements
has create transfer Create a transfer
max amount per transfer Maximum transfer amount
max amount per day Maximum transfer amount per day

Please contact Toman to request these permissions for the user.


The workflow is a process that enables the creation, signing, and execution of a transfer before its completion. This feature supports multiple policies based on different transfer amount ranges. Each policy defines the required number of users from specific groups to sign a transfer. A transfer can only be executed once the necessary approvals from each group have been obtained.

Please contact Toman to request access to this feature.

Cash Out

Cash out is a feature that allows you to cash out to a destination without specifying source.

Please contact Toman to request access to this feature.

Base URLs

The base URLs for our staging and production API servers are as follows:

Environment URL

Note: Please ensure that you include the trailing slash at the end of the URLs for all endpoints.


This section introduces the models used in the Corporate Banking service for responses throughout the API.


The entity representing an account.

Parameter Type Description Example
id Integer Account Identifier. 2
bank_id Integer ID of the bank where the account is registered. Bank IDs section. 15
iban String The IBAN number (شماره شبا) of the account. "IR460170000000111111130001"
account_number String The account number for the account. "0111111130001"
account_owner String The name of the account owner. "elecom"
active Boolean Indicates if the account is active. true
credential Array of Integers List of credential IDs associated with this account. [1, 2, 3]
opening_date String (Date) The date when the account was opened. "2022-10-04"
balance Integer The current balance in the account, expressed in IRR. 200000
last_update_balance_at String (Date) The datetime that account balance was updated. "2022-10-04"
pinned Boolean Indicates if the account is pinned. true


Parameter Type Description Example
uuid String (36) Unique identifier for the transfer. "2e30029e-620b-41e6-8be5-ab69b421cec3"
bank_id Integer Payment paid at this bank ID. 15
account Integer ID of the account to transfer money from. 11
account_number_source String The account number (شماره حساب) of the source account. "0228939030001"
iban_source String The IBAN number (شماره شبا) of the source account. "IR460170000000228939030001"
transfer_type Integer Transfer types 1
status Integer Status of the transfer 8
amount Integer Amount of the transfer. 1000
iban_destination String The IBAN number (شماره شبا) of the destination account. This field may be left empty if transferring to a card or account number. ""
account_number_destination String The account number (شماره حساب) of the destination account. This field may be left empty if transferring to a card or IBAN. ""
card_number_destination String The card number of the destination account. This field may be left empty if transferring to an account number or IBAN. ""
description String Additional details or description of the transfer. "description"
first_name String First name of the recipient. "mohamad"
last_name String Last name of the recipient. "akbari"
reason Integer Transfer Reason 1
tracker_id String (max 36) Tracker ID that you can follow your transfer with. "1112"
created_at datetime date time created the transfer. "2024-12-08T12:52:46.244217Z"
created_by Integer ID of the user who created the transfer. 1
creation_type Integer Creation type 4
bank_id_destination Integer Bank ID of the destination account. Bank IDs 2
follow_up_code String The follow up code received from the bank for the transfer. "12345"
payment_id String (max 36) The payment ID of the transfer. (supported for these banks only) "123456"


In the statement, the following fields are available for each transaction:

Field Name Type Description
amount BigInteger The transaction amount, negative for debit and positive for credit.
side Boolean Specifies the transaction type: True for credit, False for debit.
tracing_number CharField The tracing number assigned by the bank.
transaction_datetime DateTimeField The date and time when the transaction was recorded by the bank.
payment_id CharField A unique identifier for the payment linked to the transaction.
source_account CharField The account from which the transaction was initiated.
source_iban CharField The IBAN of the source account.
source_card CharField The card number of the source account.
ref1 CharField Reference number from bank.
ref2 CharField Reference number from Central Bank.

Note: Each bank may provide additional fields in their statements, but the fields listed above are standardized across all banks.

Pagination Schema

All responses for Corporate Banking service endpoints follow the page pattern, which structures the response in a paginated format.

Parameter Type Description Example
count Integer The total number of objects across all pages 183
next String (Nullable) The URL of the next page containing items after the current page ""
previous String (Nullable) The URL of the previous page containing items before the current page ""
results Array[Object] An array containing the items for the current page


1. Bank IDs

Each bank has a unique numeric identifier. The mapping is as follows.

Name Persian Name Code
Shahr شهر 1
Melli ملی 2
Mellat ملت 3
Tejarat تجارت 4
Keshavarzi کشاورزی 5
Refah Kargaran رفاه کارگران 6
Pasargad پاسارگاد 7
Sepah سپه 8
Saderat صادرات 9
Resalat رسالت 10
Ayande آینده 13
Maskan مسکن 14
Saman سامان 15
Parsian پارسیان 18

2. Transfer types

Name Persian Name Code
A2A حساب به حساب 0
Paya پایا 1
Satna ساتنا 2

3. Transfer Status

The statuses follow the sequence in which they are applied during the transaction process.

Status Code Status Description Persian Description
0 Created ایجاد شده
16 Pending Signature در انتظار امضا
18 Pending Execution در انتظار اجرا
14 Executing در حال اجرا
2 Submitted ارسال شده
4 Verified تایید شده
6 Transferred منتقل شده
8 Failed ناموفق
9 System Failed خطای سیستمی
10 Canceled لغو شده
12 Unknown نا معلوم

4. Transfer Reason

Name Persian Name Code
salary deposit واریز حقوق 1
insurance services امور بیمه خدمات 2
medical services امور درمانی 3
investment and stock امور سرمایه گذاری و بورس 4
foreign currency operations امور ارزی در چهارچوب ضوابط و مقررات 5
bill payment debt settlement پرداخت قبض و تادیه دیون(قرض الحسنه، بدهی، ...) 6
retirement services امور بازنشستگی 7
movable asset transactions معاملات اموال منقول 8
immovable asset transactions معاملات اموال غیر منقول 9
liquidity management مدیریت نقدینگی 10
customs duties عوارض گمرکی 11
tax settlement تسویه مالیاتی 12
other government services سایر خدمات دولتی 13
facilities commitments تسهیلات و تعهدات 14
collateral deposit تودیع وثیقه 15
general expenses daily affairs هزینه عمومی و امور روزمره 16
charitable donations کمک های خیریه 17
goods purchase خرید کالا 18
services purchase خرید خدمات 19

5. Payment_id supporting banks

Only the banks listed below support the use of payment IDs.

Name Code
Saman 15

6. Creation type

Code Type Persian Description
0 Single by API انتقال تکی از طریق API
4 Single by Web انتقال تکی از طریق وب
8 Bulk by API انتقال گروهی از طریق API
12 Bulk by Web انتقال گروهی از طریق وب
16 Revert انتقال از طریق درخواست بازگشت
20 Cash Out انتقال از طریق سرویس تسویه آنی (cash out)


1. Account

1.1 Get List of Accounts

Use to get all Accounts record with pagination.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

payload = {}
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /account/


Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is as following:

It is in pagination schema with results that is an array of account

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Example
bank_id int Filter by bank id /account/?bank_id=15
iban str Filter by IBAN /account/?iban=IR460170000000111111130001
search str Search by iban /account/?search=IR460170000000111111130001

Response Data Example

  "count": 3,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 1,
      "bank_id": 2,
      "iban": "IR460170000000111111130001",
      "account_number": "0111111130001",
      "account_owner": "elecom 1 ",
      "active": true,
      "last_update_balance_at": "2022-10-04",
      "pinned": true,
      "balance": 200000,
      "credential": [
      "opening_date": "2024-08-07"
      "id": 2,
      "bank_id": 2,
      "iban": "IR460170000000111111130002",
      "account_number": "0111111130002",
      "account_owner": "elecom 2 ",
      "active": true,
      "last_update_balance_at": "2022-10-04",
      "pinned": false,
      "balance": 200000,
      "credential": [
      "opening_date": "2024-08-07"
      "id": 3,
      "bank_id": 2,
      "iban": "IR460170000000111111130003",
      "account_number": "0111111130003",
      "account_owner": "elecom 3 ",
      "active": true,
      "last_update_balance_at": "2022-10-04",
      "pinned": false,
      "balance": 200000,
      "credential": [
      "opening_date": "2024-08-07"

1.2 Get an Account

Use to retrieve an existence Account record by ID.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

payload = {}
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /account/<id>/


Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is as follows:

Response body is account

Response Data Example

  "id": 2,
  "bank_id": 2,
  "iban": "IR460170000000111111130001",
  "account_number": "0111111130001",
  "account_owner": "elecom",
  "active": true,
  "credential": [
  "opening_date": "2022-10-04",
  "last_update_balance_at": "2024-10-04",
  "balance": 200000,
  "pinned": false

1.3 Retrieve an account's statements

Used to retrieve the statement records of an existing account by its ID.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

payload = {}
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /account/<id>/statement/


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Example
page_size int Number of records per page /statement/?page_size=50
page int Page number for pagination /statement/?page=2
amount__lte int Filter by maximum transaction amount /statement/?amount__lte=1000000
amount__gte int Filter by minimum transaction amount /statement/?amount__gte=500
side string Filter by transfer side (e.g., credit or debit) /statement/?side=True
transaction_datetime_from string Filter transactions from this datetime /statement/?transaction_datetime_from=2025-01-01T00:00:00
transaction_datetime_to string Filter transactions until this datetime /statement/?transaction_datetime_to=2025-01-01T23:59:59
created_at__lte string Filter by Toman fetch time /statement/?created_at__lte=2025-01-01T23:59:59
created_at__gte string Filter by Toman fetch time /statement/?created_at__gte=2025-01-01T00:00:00
source_account int Filter by source account id /statement/?source_account=1234567890
source_iban str Filter by source iban /statement/?source_iban=IR460170000000111111130001
source_card str Filter by source card number /statement/?source_card=123456789012345678901234
ref1 str Filter by reference number from bank /statement/?ref1=1234567890
ref2 str Filter by reference number from Central Bank /statement/?ref2=1234567890

Response Data Example

  "count": 123456,
  "next": "{base_url}/account/12345/statement/?page=3&page_size=5",
  "previous": "{base_url}/account/12345/statement/?page_size=5",
  "results": [
      "id": 1234,
      "amount": -213213,
      "side": false,
      "tracing_number": "B0331231231649623307",
      "transaction_datetime": "2055-01-05T03:33:13Z",
      "created_at": "2025-01-05T02:37:22.414085Z",
      "payment_id": null,
      "source_account": null
      "id": 6892011,
      "amount": -624100,
      "side": false,
      "tracing_number": "B0310165010649622835",
      "transaction_datetime": "2025-01-05T03:32:38Z",
      "created_at": "2025-01-05T03:37:22.414121Z",
      "is_normalized": false,
      "payment_id": null,
      "source_account": null
      "id": 6892012,
      "amount": -954400,
      "side": false,
      "tracing_number": "B0310165010649622638",
      "transaction_datetime": "2025-01-05T03:32:22Z",
      "created_at": "2025-01-05T03:37:22.414156Z",
      "is_normalized": false,
      "payment_id": null,
      "source_account": null
      "id": 6892013,
      "amount": -228600,
      "side": false,
      "tracing_number": "B0310165010649622148",
      "transaction_datetime": "2025-01-05T03:31:47Z",
      "created_at": "2025-01-05T03:37:22.414192Z",
      "is_normalized": false,
      "payment_id": null,
      "source_account": null
      "id": 6892014,
      "amount": -1083600,
      "side": false,
      "tracing_number": "B0310165010649618996",
      "transaction_datetime": "2025-01-05T03:27:42Z",
      "created_at": "2025-01-05T03:37:22.414226Z",
      "is_normalized": false,
      "payment_id": null,
      "source_account": null

1.4 Retrieve an Account's Statements as CSV

Used to retrieve the statement records of an existing account in CSV format by its ID.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

payload = {}
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /account/<id>/statement_as_csv/


Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response is a CSV file.

Response Data Example

The response is a CSV file.

1.5 Retrieve All Banks Summary

This endpoint retrieves a summary of all banks, including the total balance and the number of accounts for each bank. The response includes:

results: An array of objects, each containing a bank's ID, total balance across all accounts, and the number of accounts associated with that bank. bank_id_list: A list of all the bank IDs included in the summary. sum_balance: The total balance across all banks. account_count: The total number of active accounts across all banks.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

payload = {}
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /account/general_info/


Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is as follows:

Field Type Description
results array Array of objects containing bank summary information
bank_id_list array List of all bank IDs included in the summary with order of bank_id in results array
sum_balance int Total balance across all banks
account_count int Total number of active accounts across all banks

Each object in results array contains:

Field Type Description
bank_id int ID of the bank
sum_balance int Total balance across all accounts for this bank
account_count int Number of active accounts for this bank

Response Data Example

  "results": [
      "bank_id": 2,
      "sum_balance": 18332710854,
      "account_count": 1
      "bank_id": 18,
      "sum_balance": 8506105885,
      "account_count": 1
      "bank_id": 15,
      "sum_balance": 2702822298,
      "account_count": 4
      "bank_id": 10,
      "sum_balance": 126229126,
      "account_count": 1
      "bank_id": 1,
      "sum_balance": 10805665753,
      "account_count": 1
  "bank_id_list": [
  "sum_balance": 40473533916,
  "account_count": 8

1.6 Retrieve a Bank Summary

This endpoint retrieves a summary of a specific bank, including the total balance and the number of accounts for that bank. The response includes:

balance: The total balance across all accounts for the specified bank. count: The total number of connected accounts for the specified bank.

Sample Code

import requests

url = "<id>/"

payload = {}
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
curl --location '<id>/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /account/bank/<id>/


Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is as follows:

Field Type Description
balance int Total balance across all accounts for the specified bank
count int Total number of connected accounts for the specified bank

Response Data Example

  "balance": 18324565054,
  "count": 1

1.7 Revert Statement

This endpoint allows you to revert a specific statement.

1.7.1 Request Revert Statement

Use this endpoint to initiate a revert request for a particular statement.

Sample Code

import requests

url = "{id}/revert/{statement_id}/"

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response =, headers=headers)
curl --location --request POST '{id}/revert/{statement_id}/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

POST /account/{id}/revert/{statement_id}/



Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Codes

Response Fields

Response Body

depending on the status of the revert request, the response body will be different as following:

    "message": "Statement revert request is being processed"
    "message": "Statement revert request is already processed and the transfer is completed",
    "transfer_id": "12345"
    "message": "Statement revert request is in progress",
    "transfer_id": "12345"

1.8 Check Statement Revert Status

This endpoint checks the status of a revert request for a specific statement.

1.8.1 Check Revert Status

Use this endpoint to verify the current status of a revert request for a particular statement.

Sample Code

import requests

url = "{id}/check-revert/{statement_id}/"

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
curl --location --request GET '{id}/check-revert/{statement_id}/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /account/{id}/check-revert/{statement_id}/



Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Fields

Response Codes

Response Body

  "message": "Statement revert request is in progress",
  "transfer_id": "12345",
  "status": "pending",
  "has_requested_revert": true

2. Transfer

2.1 Get List of Transfers

Use to get all Transfers record with pagination.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
curl --location '' \
--header '
Authorization : Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /transfer/


Request Body

Without any request body.

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Example
bank_id int Filter by bank id. Refer to Bank Ids /transfer/?bank_id=15
transfer_type int Filter by transfer type. Refer to Transfer types /transfer/?transfer_type=1
account int Filter by account id /transfer/?account=11
status__in int Filter by status /transfer/?status__in=8
search str Search by uuid, account_number_destination, iban_destination, account__account_number and account__iban /transfer/?search=1234
creation_type__in int Filter by creation type /transfer/?creation_type__in=4
iban_destination str Filter by iban_destination /transfer/?iban_destination=IR460170000000111111130003
account_number_destination str Filter by account_number_destination /transfer/?account_number_destination=0228939030001
tracker_id__in str Filter by tracker_id /transfer/?tracker_id__in=1234567890

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is as following:

It is in pagination schema with results that is an array of transfer

Response Data Example

  "count": 3,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "uuid": "2e30029e-620b-41e6-8be5-ab69b421cec3",
      "bank_id": 1,
      "transfer_type": 1,
      "status": 8,
      "amount": 1000,
      "created_by": 1,
      "iban_destination": "",
      "account_number_destination": "",
      "card_number_destination": "",
      "description": "decscription",
      "first_name": "mohamad",
      "last_name": "akbari",
      "reason": 1,
      "tracker_id": "ed526da7-073e-4f41-bb2c-c811d8ad727a",
      "account_number_source": "0228939030001",
      "iban_source": "IR460170000000228939030001",
      "created_at": "2024-12-08T12:52:46.244217Z",
      "creation_type": 4,
      "bank_id_destination": 2,
      "follow_up_code": null,
      "payment_id": null
      "uuid": "2e30029e-620b-41e6-8be5-ab69b421cec3",
      "bank_id": 1,
      "transfer_type": 1,
      "status": 8,
      "amount": 1000,
      "created_by": 1,
      "iban_destination": "",
      "account_number_destination": "",
      "card_number_destination": "",
      "description": "decscription",
      "first_name": "mohamad",
      "last_name": "akbari",
      "reason": 1,
      "tracker_id": "ed526da7-073e-4f41-bb2c-c811d8ad727a",
      "account_number_source": "0228939030001",
      "iban_source": "IR460170000000228939030001",
      "created_at": "2024-12-08T12:52:46.244217Z",
      "creation_type": 4,
      "bank_id_destination": 2,
      "follow_up_code": null,
      "payment_id": null

2.2 Get a Transfer

Use to retrieve a Transfer record by uuid.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers)
curl --location '' \
--header ' Authorization : Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /transfer/<uuid>/


Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is transfer

Response Data Example

  "uuid": "2e30029e-620b-41e6-8be5-ab69b421cec3",
  "bank_id": 1,
  "account": 11,
  "transfer_type": 1,
  "status": 8,
  "amount": 1000,
  "created_by": 1,
  "iban_destination": "",
  "account_number_destination": "",
  "card_number_destination": "",
  "description": "decscription",
  "first_name": "mohamad",
  "last_name": "akbari",
  "reason": 1,
  "tracker_id": "ed526da7-073e-4f41-bb2c-c811d8ad727a",
  "account_number_source": "0228939030001",
  "iban_source": "IR460170000000228939030001",
  "created_at": "2024-12-08T12:52:46.244217Z",
  "creation_type": 4,
  "bank_id_destination": 2,
  "follow_up_code": "1234",
  "payment_id": "ABCD"

2.3 Get a Transfer by tracker_id

Used to retrieve a Transfer record by tracker_id.

Sample Code

import requests

url = "<tracker_id>/"

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
curl --location '<tracker_id>/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

GET /transfer/tracker/<tracker_id>/


Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is transfer

Response Data Example

  "uuid": "2e30029e-620b-41e6-8be5-ab69b421cec3",
  "bank_id": 1,
  "account": 11,
  "transfer_type": 1,
  "status": 8,
  "amount": 1000,
  "created_by": 1,
  "iban_destination": "",
  "account_number_destination": "",
  "card_number_destination": "",
  "description": "decscription",
  "first_name": "mohamad",
  "last_name": "akbari",
  "reason": 1,
  "tracker_id": "ed526da7-073e-4f41-bb2c-c811d8ad727a",
  "account_number_source": "0228939030001",
  "iban_source": "IR460170000000228939030001",
  "created_at": "2024-12-08T12:52:46.244217Z",
  "creation_type": 4,
  "bank_id_destination": 2,
  "follow_up_code": "1234",
  "payment_id": "ABCD"

2.4 Create a Transfer

Used to create a transfer request.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
    "bank_id": 1,
    "account": 11,
    "transfer_type": 1,
    "amount": 1000,
    "iban_destination": "",
    "card_number_destination": "124321",
    "account_number_destination": "",
    "description": "decscription",
    "first_name": "mohamad",
    "last_name": "akbari",
    "reason": 1,
    "tracker_id": "1112",
    "payment_id": "12345",
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'
 --data '{
    "bank_id": 1,
    "account": 11,
    "transfer_type": 1,
    "amount": 1000,
    "iban_destination": "",
    "card_number_destination": "124321",
    "account_number_destination": "",
    "description": "decscription",
    "first_name": "mohamad",
    "last_name": "akbari",
    "reason": 1,
    "tracker_id": "1112",
    "payment_id": "12345",

POST /transfer/



Request Body

Parameter Type Description Example
bank_id Integer Payment made at this bank ID. Must be one of the values in the Bank IDs section. 15
account Integer ID of the account to transfer money from. 2
transfer_type Integer Transfer types 1
amount Integer Amount of Transfer. 1500000
iban_destination [Optional] String The IBAN number (شماره شبا) of the destination account. Leave empty if transferring to a card or account number. ""
account_number_destination [Optional] String Account number (شماره حساب) of the destination account. Leave empty if transferring to a card or IBAN ""
card_number_destination [Optional] String The Card number (شماره کارت) of the destination account. Leave empty if transferring to a account or IBAN. ""
description [Optional] String Additional details or description of the transfer. "description"
first_name [Optional] String First name of the recipient. "mohamad"
last_name [Optional] String Last name of the recipient. "akbari"
reason [Optional] Integer Transfer Reason 1
payment_id [Optional] String Payment ID. "12345"
tracker_id [Optional] String Tracker ID. "12345"

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is transfer

Response Data Example

  "uuid": "2e30029e-620b-41e6-8be5-ab69b421cec3",
  "bank_id": 1,
  "account": 11,
  "transfer_type": 1,
  "status": 8,
  "amount": 1000,
  "description": "decscription",
  "first_name": "mohamad",
  "last_name": "akbari",
  "reason": 1,
  "tracker_id": "1112",
  "account_number_source": "0228939030001",
  "iban_source": "IR460170000000228939030001",
  "iban_destination": null,
  "account_number_destination": "826-40-2900665-1",
  "card_number_destination": null,
  "created_at": "2024-12-10T13:44:36.748997Z",
  "created_by": 2,
  "creation_type": 4,
  "bank_id_destination": 2,
  "follow_up_code": null,
  "payment_id": null

Potential Errors

In addition to standard errors, the following error codes may be encountered during operations:

Error Code Description
unsupported_payment_id The payment_id feature is supported only by specific banks.
account_not_belong_to_partner The source account does not belong to the associated partner.
transfer_integrity_exception The tracker_id provided is not unique; each tracker_id must be unique per partner.
selected_account_does_not_belong_to_this_bank The source account does not match the specified bank_id.
account_not_found The specified source account could not be found under the partner's ownership.
can_not_transfer_from_inactive_account Transfers cannot be initiated from an inactive account.
Transfer_from_Account_permission_denied You do not have the required permission to perform transfers from this account.
max_amount_transfer_denied The transfer amount exceeds the maximum permissible limit.
max_amount_per_day_transfer_denied The total transfer amount for the day has exceeded the allowed limit.

2.5 Sign Transfer

Used to sign a transfer request.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

POST /transfer/<uuid>/sign/



Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is a confirmation of the transfer signing.

Response Data Example

  "detail": "Transfer signed."

2.6 Execute Transfer

Used to execute a transfer request after it has been signed.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

POST /transfer/<uuid>/execute/



Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is a confirmation of the transfer execution.

Response Data Example

  "detail": "Transfer executed."

2.7 Cancel Transfer

Used to cancel an existing transfer request.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

POST /transfer/<uuid>/cancel/



Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is a confirmation of the transfer cancellation.

Response Data Example

  "detail": "Transfer canceled."

2.8 Generate Receipt

To generate a pdf receipt for a transaction.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

POST /transfer/<uuid>/generate-receipt/



Request Body

Without any request body.

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is a pdf file.

2.9 Cash Out

Used to cash out to a destination without the need to specify source to maximize same bank transaction as much as possible.

Sample Code

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "iban_destination": "IR460170000000111111130001",
  "amount": 1500000,
  "description": "description",
  "first_name": "mohamad",
  "last_name": "akbari",

headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer oiHUHxVbyvgJVRtXiXkUnFkmB2i02V' \
--data '{
  "iban_destination": "IR460170000000111111130001",
  "amount": 1500000,
  "description": "description",
  "first_name": "mohamad",
  "last_name": "akbari",

POST /transfer/cash-out/



Request Body

Parameter Type Description Example
iban_destination String The IBAN number (شماره شبا) of the destination account. ""
bank_id_destination [Optional] Integer The bank ID of the destination account. 15
account_number_destination [Optional] String Account number (شماره حساب) of the destination account. ""
amount Integer Amount of Transfer. 1500000
description [Optional] String Additional details or description of the transfer. "description"
first_name [Optional] String First name of the recipient. "mohamad"
last_name [Optional] String Last name of the recipient. "akbari"
reason [Optional] Integer Transfer Reason 1
tracker_id [Optional] String Tracker ID. "12345"
transfer_type [Optional] Integer Transfer types 1
account [Optional] Integer ID of the account to transfer money from. 2
iban_source [Optional] String IBAN of the account to transfer money from. "IR460170000000111111130001"

Response Body

The response of this endpoint is transfer

Response Data Example

  "uuid": "4000e887-ca36-413e-adc5-8608c4844aef",
  "bank_id": 10,
  "account": 4,
  "account_number_source": "6762858133",
  "iban_source": "IR620700258285556762858133",
  "transfer_type": 0,
  "status": 16,
  "amount": 310000,
  "iban_destination": "IR140700001000126715739002",
  "account_number_destination": "1.6715739.2",
  "card_number_destination": null,
  "description": null,
  "first_name": null,
  "last_name": null,
  "reason": null,
  "tracker_id": "15574ec1-e0cf-4e9e-94e0-4e43f1965082",
  "created_at": "2025-02-15T13:53:27.972510Z",
  "created_by": 2,
  "creation_type": 20,
  "bank_id_destination": 10,
  "follow_up_code": null